Zay Park
10/17/2012 02:48:00 am

In this article, people say that starfish should be killed for saving coral reefs. I agree that they have to save coral reefs because many Australians, whose job is related to coral reefs, would lost their job. Also, it'll affect Australian economy badly because they do some tour program with coral reefs.
However, if they kill starfish, i wonder that it couldn't make problem on ecosystem. So the knowledge issue that I could find here is: To what extend, humans need to be involved and control the nature occurrences?

Zay Park
10/17/2012 02:52:28 am

*I'll change the mistake that I took on the second paragraph*
However, if they kill starfish, I think that it could make problem on ecosystem. It could also influence the ocean food chain/web.

Zay Park
10/17/2012 02:52:34 am

*I'll change the mistake that I took on the second paragraph*
However, if they kill starfish, I think that it could make problem on ecosystem. It could also influence the ocean food chain/web.

Zay Park
10/17/2012 02:52:42 am

*I'll change the mistake that I took on the second paragraph*
However, if they kill starfish, I think that it could make problem on ecosystem. It could also influence the ocean food chain/web.

Niki Yoo
10/21/2012 02:56:49 am

I agree with you, Zay. Also I know that starfish is not that damageable. I heard that starfish prevent eutrophication and break down a dead sea animal. It means they prevent ocean pollution. Also increasing number of starfish is because of the human. Increasing coastal exchange make them increase. So a possible knowledge issue that can arise from here is does increasing number of starfish is all their fault?

Ada Chik
10/25/2012 01:35:53 am

To what extent should we kill starfish for saving coral reefs? Should human controls the population of starfish?
The reduction of coral reefs can increase Australia's unemployment rate, affecting its economy because coral reef is one of the main attractions for tourism. Human attempted to control the population of coral reef by injecting them with acid, but it was ineffective and costly and might also disturbed the nature. Although starfish, most of the time is a predator, they are also consumed by marine animals such as sharks and fishes. By killing starfish for saving the coral reefs, can put an negative effect on the food chain. If starfish becomes endangered species, human might have difficulties in protecting them because starfish lives cannot live in freshwater, and it is hard to distinguish the gender of a starfish, therefore, difficult to breed in an aquarium.

11/6/2012 08:34:57 pm

Nowadays, the ecosystem in this area is becoming imbalence, becuause of the starfish. To help save the ecosystem, I think reducing starfish could be the best way to do it. Starfish has no good contribution on the marine ecosystem. Therefore, I think the government should put more attention on this issue to save the reef and to save the fishes.

We should kill them but not just kill them and throw away, the government should think otherways to utilize the starfish. Example, develop new food using starfish, preseve starfish and turn them into like decorations.

Catherine Kim
11/6/2012 09:37:52 pm

Does human has right to control the other specie? Is it ethical to kill starfish to save Great Barrier Reef? In the article, the coral reef ecosystem is suffered from tropical cyclones, starfishes, and coral bleaching. and in the article, the writer said because we can not control over tropical cyclones and coral bleaching, which are natural things, so we should control number of starfish to save the coral reef. Is it logical to say something that completely ignore the importance of life? Of course, coral reef ecosystem is very important to all the species, which produce habitats, foods, and etc. But also, starfish is part of ecosystem, which means, many factors are related to starfish. Other species eat starfishes and starfishes eat their prey, which is part of cycle of ecosystem. If human controls the number of starfishes, instead of themselves, not only starfishes, but also other species will get effects. Objectively, the size of coral reef ecosystem is much bigger than starfish ecosystem, then, can we say because of their sizes, coral reef of ecosystem is more important than starfish ecosystem? To what extent, we can say what is more important and what is less important?


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    October 2012

