2/27/2013 12:42:59 pm

Bhutan is planning to make turn all it's crop production to organic products. To a certain extent I think this will be a great idea because the people will stop getting exposed to all those chemicals, pesticides and other toxic materials. People there will live a healthy life. However, to a larger extent, I think the cost will be too much and this project is highly likely to fail. Turning their food system to higher quality and less foods will not help the majority of the poor Bhutanese. A knowledge issue that rised from here was that what matters more, quality or quantity? What brings more happiness to human?

2/27/2013 09:34:12 pm

This article is example of a technocentric vs ecocentric approach. Here the Bhutanese are leaning more towards an ecocentric approach by going organic in farming in order to be one with nature. This is then related to the idea that being with nature makes people more happy. First, how does one measure happiness? We have all these mathematical models and indexes that help determine how happy a country is, but how reliable are they? Can an emotion be completely changed into a series of numbers? To what extent is there a relationship between happiness and ecocentrists or technocentrists? These are two opposite spectrums. Personally, depending on the situation I say I would be happier with technocentric approaches than ecocentric

Nathalie Chun
4/10/2013 08:21:10 pm

To what extent can you be environmentally conscious while still maintaining a healthy economy.
As most of us know, the balance between profit and being environmentally friendly is often unclear, but here in Bhutan it seems that they have managed both: make money while being environmentally conscious and friendly. However, we must also consider that Bhutan is extremely lucky that it has the capabilities and this choice. So when push comes to shove, which one should we choose? An especially for developing countries, how should they make that choice?


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    February 2013

