2/14/2013 03:48:49 pm

To what extent is the drug "ivermectin" useful in combating the disease "river blindness," or in medical terminology, onchocerciasis?

Even though this miracle medicine can cure "river blindness" over time, the side effects can be a deterrent. From fevers to allergic reactions, it has the possibility of causing death.

On the other hand however, it would be a life saver when it works. The afflicted would no longer have to be continually scratching out their skin and possibly causing infections, and also they would be able to no longer be outcasts due to the fact their outward appearance is grotesque to their peers.

Given the circumstances, taking the risk to rid yourself of such misery would be an excellent gamble. It would be a either being cured, a quick death, or a lifetime of pain for the results of the medicine.


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    February 2013

